Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas Island Red Crab

Merry Christmas everyone... On this festive day, I am bringing you to somewhere special. So hop in the boat and we are heading to Christmas Island!

Christmas Island is an Australian Non-self Governing External Territory, located in the Indian Ocean on the rim of South East Asia, 360km south of Java and 2600 km North West of Perth.

The Christmas Island red crab is by far the most obvious of the 14 species of land crabs found on Christmas Island. It is estimated that 120 million of these bright red land crabs live in their preferred shady sites all over the island.

What is so special about this red crabs?
It is The Annual Migration To The Ocean
At the beginning of the wet season (usually October / November), most adult Red Crabs suddenly begin a spectacular migration from the forest to the coast, to breed and release eggs into the sea.

Below is the video to show its impressive swamp of red invading the town. Basicly everywhere in the island.

Christmas Island Red Crabs - For more amazing video clips, click here

I find the rule in golf impressive! Perhaps that is the only place in the world where crabs can help you score in golf game. They are helpful in some ways. =)

Bright red is the common colour but there are the occasional orange specimens and more rarely some purple animals. They are a big crab. An adult body shell (or carapace) may measure up to 116mm across. The Christmas Island red crabs' carapace is round shouldered and encloses their lungs and gills.

Their claws are usually of equal size unless one is a regrowing claw. Males grow larger overall than females, while females have a much broader abdomen and usually have smaller claws than males.

Christmas Island red crabs grow slowly, reaching about 40mm in carapace width after 4-5 years. They are sexually mature at this age and begin to participate in the breeding migrations.

The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size. Moulting usually takes place in the protected moist environment of their burrows. Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only once a year, as their growth rate slows.

Red Crab Diet

Red Crabs diet consists mainly of fallen leaves, fruits, flowers and seedlings. They prefer fresh green leaves but will eat any fallen leaves. They are not solely vegetarian however. They will eat other dead crabs and birds, the introduced Giant African snail and palatable human rubbish if the opportunity presents itself.

Red Crab Habitat

Red Crabs are diurnal (active during the day) and almost inactive at night despite lower temperatures and higher humidity.
Crabs retreat into the humid interior of their burrows during the dry season. They plug the burrow entrance with a loose wad of leaves to maintain a high humidity level, and effectively disappear from view for up to two to three months of the year.

The Breeding Calendar

Males lead the first wave of the downward migration and are joined by females as they progress. Larger males arrive at the sea first (after about 5-7 days) but are soon outnumbered by females.

The crabs replenish moisture by dipping in the sea, then the males retreat to the lower terraces to dig burrows. The density of burrows is high (1-2 per square metre and fighting occurs between males for burrow possession. The females move to the terraces and mating occurs, usually in the privacy of the burrows that males have dug and fought for.

The females produce eggs within 3 days of mating and remain in the moist burrows on the terraces for 12-13 days while they develop. The eggs are held in a brood pouch between their extended abdomen and thorax. A single female can brood up to 100,000 eggs.

In the morning and late afternoon around the last quarter of the moon, the egg-laden females descend from the terraces to the shoreline. They pack into shaded areas above the waterline at densities of up to 100 per square metre in places. The females usually release their eggs into the sea toward dawn, around the turn of the high tide. Release of eggs may occur on 5-6 consecutive nights during the main breeding migration. After the first two days, eggless females may be seen crossing plateau roads, kilometres from the shore.

If the spawning migration is delayed or disrupted, usually because of unfavorable weather conditions, both male and female crabs will remain on the terraces for the next month and complete the spawning one lunar month later.

Larvae Grow To Baby Crabs In The Sea

The eggs released by the females hatch immediately on contact with the sea water and clouds of young larvae swirl near the shore before being washed out to sea by waves and tides. Millions of the larvae are eaten by fish and plankton feeders such as Manta Rays and the enormous Whale Sharks which visit Christmas Island waters during the crab spawning season.

After about a month in the ocean, and after growing through several larval stages, the surviving larvae have developed into prawn-like animals called megalopae. The megalopae gather in pools close to the shore for 1-2 days before changing into young crabs and leaving the water.

Impact Of Humans
Certain human activities have led to increased numbers of Red Crabs dying during their annual migration to the sea.
To reduce the number of crabs killed by vehicles during the migration, 'crab crossings' are being constructed in roads which cross main crab migration paths. Points where high numbers of Red Crabs cross roads have been identified, and tunnels are built under the road for crabs to pass through. Walls that the crabs can not climb over are built alongside the road to 'funnel' the migrating crabs through the tunnels. These crab crossings may be seen on the Lily Beach road. Other conservation measures used by the community are road closures and traffic detours around the major migration paths during peak periods of the migration.

The Annual Migration To The Ocean

At the beginning of the wet season (usually October / November),
most adult Red Crabs suddenly begin a spectacular migration from
the forest to the coast, to breed and release eggs into the sea.
The timing of the migration breeding sequence is also linked to the phases of the moon, so that eggs may be released by the female Red Crabs into the sea precisely at the turn of the high tide during the last quarter of the moon. It is thought that this occurs at this time because there is the least difference between high and low tides.

Movement peaks in the early morning and late afternoons when it is cooler and there is more shade. If caught in open areas, in unshaded heat, the crabs soon lose body water and die.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010! ! 2009 has been a remarkable year for me, some of the unhappiest thing and happiest things happen to in 2009. Certainly a year to remember in my diary. Be safe and take care.

Love the Ocean. Protect the Ocean.

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Wednesday 25 November 2009

Spanish dancer and 'Naked gills'

The most fascinating and colourful creature on earth has to be the nudibranchs or sea slugs. Always fascinated by the array of colour combination they demonstrate and the ability to camouflage. Almost a new species is found everyday. Up till now there are more than 3000 species known to human. Sorry for those who misread the title of this post, but this is a perfectly healthy page dedicated to the marine animals. Come on…

Nudibranchs or sea slugs represent fascinating and colourful life form. Their name is pronounced nudi - brank and it means "naked gill". As the name suggests the vast majority have gills outside their body and they have evolved without the protection of a shell. In all nudibranchs the shell is only present in the larval stage. As adults, the mantle replaces the shell.
They can be found throughout the world's oceans at all depths. The only place you will not find them are high energy areas, such as heavy surf close inshore where their soft body could be damaged.

Anatomy of Nudibranch

The mantle.

The surface of the mantle may bear tubercles which vary in size, shape and number and are often a character used to identify nudibranchs. Acid glands and/or spicules are incorporated in the mantle tissue and it is thought that these are mainly defensive in function.
Processes found in some species have coloured tips and contain defensive glands and have been shown to produce chemicals distateful to fish.


The cerata contain branches of digestive gland.

The rhinophores.

The head region of nudibranchs bears a pair of sensory tentacles called rhinophores. These structures are primarily chemosensory (smell, taste) in function. In many dorid nudibranchs the rhinophores can be retracted into a basal sheath. The shape of the rhinophores varies greatly from one species to another and a table showing the different types of rhinophore found in British nudibranchs is provided to help identification.

The gills.

In nudibranchs the gills are probably the most important respiratory organ, however gaseous exchange also occurs over the entire body surface. In dorids the gills consist of several feather-like structures that encircle the anus. The gills can be retracted into a gill-pocket.

The oral tentacles.

Many nudibranch species have a pair of processes, one on either side of the mouth, which are probably involved in identifying food by taste or touch.

Nudibranchs feed on other invertebrates such as sponges, soft corals,
anemones, sea pens, Portuguese man-of-wars and hydroids.
Certain species are specific about their diet and feed only on a single or small selection of hosts, others are generalised browsers.
Certain species eat the eggs of other nudibranchs. These tend to be pale in colour so that they can go unnoticed on the egg masses. Sneaky!

Nudibranchs have an amazing array of defences. Colour is believed to be an important defence in many species. Others ingest and utilise the stinging cells from soft corals.
Particular species bury themselves in the sand and others hide during the day coming out at night.

They do not have shell for protection, but they use highly sophisticated chemical warfare. When distressed, some species secrete toxins so deadly that it could kill marine animals within 50cm radius.

They obtain this toxin from their food source containing chemical compounds which they store. Some species accumulate the poison in their Cerata, tentacle type sacks located along their backs away from their head, others store in the dorsal body wall.

The striking colour is for camouflage and as a warning to predators not to eat them because they are poisonous or pretending to be.

They travel by producing slimey mucus and using muscle or hair movement on the fleshy foot.


They are hermaphroditic possessing both male and female reproductive systems. Their gonad is located on the right side of their body close to the head as shown below.

Each nudibranch is both male and female producing sperm and eggs. To mate, two nudibranchs come together side by side and pass sperm sacs through a tube in their 'neck' to each other as shown in picture below.

Both then go their own way and lay egg masses that may contain millions of eggs.
The egg mass, which in most cases is laid in an anticlockwise spiral is made up of thousands of small eggs giving a speckled appearance.

Nudibranchs life span vary from 4-5 weeks to one year.

Spoil yourself with the beautiful colours of nudibranchs!

Spanish Dancer

One of my favourite nudibranch is the Spanish dancer.

This is the largest species of nudibranch, which can grow to as much as two feet in length. This specimen is about a foot long. Spanish Dancers are often seen swimming through the water in peculiar movement which is fascinating for divers to watch, as they simultaneously bend their body up and down, and move the edges in a wavelike motion.

The Spanish dancer dances as the diver gazes…

They definitely have the nicer costume than the Spanish dancers I paid through my nose to watch them do the flamenco dance in Barcelona, Spain!

See what I mean? OL attire for Flamenco dance...
No offense to the dancer cause her flamenco dance was really skilled.

But I'd rather gaze at the spanish dancer nudibranchs as they grace through the water. =)

That is what makes our marine lives so precious.

I would like to dedicate this post to my friends who are troubled with unhappy things in their lives at the moment. Hope that you will be strong in this difficult phase of your life and paint your life with beautiful colours of joy and happiness once again. God bless you.

May your life be as colourful as the living colour of the ocean, nudibranchs. Love you all.

Love the Ocean. Protect the Ocean.

Please leave comments and thoughts in the chatbox at bottom of page. Thank you.

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Wednesday 4 November 2009

Acrobats and singers of the deep..

As we ascend from the deep, on our way up, we hear beautiful echoic singing voice and trails of bubbles brush through our feet… it’s the Humpback whales come to say hello!

Humpback whales are my favourite whale species of all time.. they are the most acrobatic animal in the ocean and loves hurling their massive bodies out of the water in different styles and postures called breaching and fall back into the sea with much grace.. They have massive tail fin, called a fluke, which helps them propel the body through the water and breaching. This behaviour is believed to be involved with courtship, removing pests or parasites from the body or they simply do it for fun!

Enjoy this video and feel the excitement of whale watching!!

Humpback whales are great singers of the deep.. they are well known for their magical songs, which travel for great distances through the world's oceans. These sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises are quite complex and often continue for hours. Scientists are studying these sounds to interpret their meaning. It is most likely that humpbacks sing to communicate with others and to attract potential mates.

These whales are found near coastlines, feeding on planktons, tiny krills(shrimp-like crustaceans) , small schooling fish such as herring and mackerel. A humpback consumes between 2,000 and 9,000 pounds of fish and krill a day. Humpbacks sometimes engage in social hunting in which several whales encircle a school (group) of fish and blow bubbles that form a "net" around the fish, then move in with their mouths open to devour their prey.

Humpbacks migrate annually from the tropics to polar regions. They swim enormous distances during migration, sometimes as much as 4,000 miles each way! Mothers and their young swim close together, often touching one another with their flippers with what appear to be gestures of affection. Females nurse their calves for almost a year, though it takes far longer than that for a humpback whale to reach full adulthood. Calves do not stop growing until they are ten years old.

The humpback whale is capable of living up to 95 years

Humpbacks are distinguished by the markings on the underside of their tails (also known as flukes). The patterns can range from all black to all white, with most having a mix.

Fluke pigmentation may be influenced by inheritance from the parents. Superimposed on the basic pattern are scars from injuries acquired during fights with other individuals, attacks by killer whales or sharks, or attachment of parasites such as barnacles.

Evolution ....

Scientists believe the ancestors of whales were land animals that crawled into the sea to escape predators or seek food.

The mammals gradually lost their limbs and became fully adapted to living in the ocean.

According to new evidence, published in the journal Nature, one of the secrets to adapting to a marine environment was a scaled-down inner ear.

This semi-circular canal system gives land mammals, including humans, a sense of balance.

We only become aware of its role when something goes awry - such as feeling drunk, sea sick or riding a rollercoaster.

These are smaller, size-for-size, than land-dwellers. Our inner ears, for example, are bigger than those of the blue whale.

A whale can make acrobatic leaps and turns without experiencing vertigo.
This is thought to be because its smaller inner ear is less sensitive.

Fossils show that the inner ear of early whales evolved rapidly after they entered the sea. The adaptation enabled early whales to swim without becoming dizzy.

Threats to the Humpback whales and Interventions…

1. Humpback whales were nearly hunted to extinction for their oil and meat by industrial-sized whaling ships well through the middle of the 20th century.
But the species has been bouncing back since an international ban on their commercial whaling in 1966.

2. The US government is considering taking the humpback whale off the endangered species list in response to data showing the population of the massive marine mammal has been steadily growing in recent decades. It is the first review for humpbacks since 1999.

3. The global humpback population is estimated to be about 60,000, according to the Swiss-based Conservation of Nature union.

As the Humpback whales sing their way back into the deep, we head back to the boat and have some sweet dreams of our gentle giants of the deep...

Love The Ocean. Protect The Ocean.

Which marine animal will we meet in our next diving trip? Join me next time to find out!

Please leave your comments or thoughts in the chatbox on the bottom of the page.

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Thursday 29 October 2009

I Can Read Your Mind

Have you ever wish that you can read someone's mind and know what they are thinking? I am bringing you guys for a DEEP sea diving this time, so gear up and Let’s Dive Deep!

As we reach a depth of 600 meters… in absolute darkness….

Suddenly this tiny little creature swim up towards us...looking’s a fish with a transparent head !!

Say hello to the Barreleye Fish!

When you look closely at the barreleye's eyes and there is a good chance you are looking at its nose. What appear to be eyes, those small round objects just above its mouth, are basically its nostrils, called nares, which are equivalent to human nostrils.

The eyes are actually those green demi-spheres inside the top of its head!

Its eyes are shaped like barrels and thus its name. Spherical eyes are not as well adapted for the dark deeps in which it the barrel fish lives and its eye can swivel inside its fluid-filled head to look up, forward, or and even to backwards through the top rear of its cranium to see if there is anything coming from behind and above. The eyes are covered by bright green lenses. The eyes point upwards while hunting for food, but point forward when it’s eating its prey.

A team from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Insitute sent remotely operated vehicles to the ocean floor to study the Barreleye and make the remarkable discovery that the fish had a transparent skull and could rotate its eyes through many angles. They also managed to capture a live specimen, and over several hours observed the fish rotating its eyes. Such feature of the eyes are very important for survival as it will be very difficult for them to capture prey with their small, pointed mouths.

Enjoy the barreleye video captured by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute !!

In addition to their amazing "headgear," barreleyes have a variety of other interesting adaptations to deep-sea life. Their large, flat fins allow them to remain nearly motionless in the water, and to maneuver very precisely .

Their small mouths suggest that they can be very precise and selective in capturing small prey. On the other hand, their digestive systems are very large, which suggests that they can eat a variety of small drifting animals as well as jellies. In fact, the stomachs of the two net-caught fish contained fragments of jellies.

Most of the time, the fish hangs motionless in the water, with its body in a horizontal position and its eyes looking upward. The green pigments in its eyes may filter out sunlight coming directly from the sea surface, helping the barreleye spot the bioluminescent glow of jellies or other animals directly overhead. When it spots prey (such as a drifting jelly), the fish rotates its eyes forward and swims upward, in feeding mode.

Deep sea creatures are fascinating and absolutely surprising with many special adaptive designs… What’s more lurking in the dark deep sea water ?? Join me for more in the next adventure.

Love the ocean. Protect the ocean.

Peace & Cheerios !

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Thanks to all that support this page.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Coral Reefs

Ever wonder are corals animal, plant or colourful rocks? My friends always get this question from me, and most of them are not quite right. The correct answer is animal. In fact, The Great Barrier Reef located in coral sea, off the coast of Queensland in Northeast Australia, is the biggest single living structure that can be seen from outer space!

The Great Barrier Reef from outer space

A coral polyp is a tubular saclike animal with a central mouth surrounded by a ring of tentacles. The end opposite the tentacles, called the base, is attached to the substrate.

Coral does not have a brain but it has a simple nervous system called a nerve net. The nerve net extends from the mouth to the tentacles. They can detect certain substances such as sugars and amino acids, this enables corals to detect prey. Tiny sensors in the ends of nematocysts in polyp's tentacles trigger the nematocyst to eject. This results in the tentacles to grab hold of its prey and transfer them into their mouth. The movements of the tentacles are delicate, requires detailed observation to notice them moving, they are not just swaying to the ocean current.
Reef-building corals have a mutualistic relationship with zooxanthellae, microscopic algae that live with coral polyp's tissues. Both the polyp and the zooanthellae benefit. For this reason, reef-building corals are found only in areas where symbiotic zooxanthellae can take in light for photosynthesis.

Through photosynthesis, zooxanthellae convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and carbohydrates. The coral polyp uses carbohydrates as a nutrient. The polyp also uses oxygen for respiration and in turns, returns carbon dioxide to the zooxanthella. Through this exchange, coral saves energy that would otherwise be used to eliminate the carbon dioxide.
Zooxanthellae also promote polyp calcification by removing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Under optimum conditions, this enhanced calcification builds the reef faster than it can be eroded by physical or physical or biological factors.

Heart Reef -Australia

Some corals eat zooplankton (tiny drifting animals) or small fishes. Others consume organic debris. Coral polyps are generally nocturnal feeders. At night, they extend their tentacles to capture food with the aid of nematocysts. That is the reason why divers go night diving, cause the coral reefs look very different from daytime as they are nocturnal and hunts for food at night, revealing their soft bodies and colourful and graceful tentacles.

Some corals secrete films or strands of mucus to collect fine organic particles. In reef-building corals, to mobile filaments originating from the stomach cavity can capture larger food particles. These filaments are also capable of digestion. The stomach cavities of colonial corals are interconnected. Food obtained by one polyp can be passed to other polyps in the colony (how cool is that). It excretes solid wastes through its mouth.

Corals can reproduce both sexually and asexually. An individual polyp may use both reproductive modes within its lifetime.

Corals reproduce sexually by either internal or external fertilization. The reproductive cells are borne on mesenteries (membranes) that radiate inward from the layer of tissue that lines the stomach cavity.

a. Internally fertilized eggs are brooded by the polyp for days to weeks. Free-swimming larvae are released into the water and settle within hours.

b. Externally fertilized eggs develop while adrift. After a few days, fertilized eggs develop into free-swimming larvae. Larvae settle within hours to days.

Synchronous spawning occurs in many corals. Polyps release eggs and sperm into the water at the same time. This spawning method disperses eggs over a larger area.

Sometimes, newly developing coral colonies split and form separate colonies. Budding occurs when a portion of the parent polyp pinches off to form a new individual. This is when asexual reproduction occurs.Budding enables the polyp to replicate itself several times and at the same time maintain tissue connections within the colony. Later, the same polyp may reproduce sexually.

Coral colonies growing in shallow water are often heavily branched. In contrast, deeper water corals often grow in sheets or plates. These flattened forms allow for more efficient use of lower light intensities in deeper waters. The growth rate of corals and coral reefs depends on factors such as light intensity, water temperature, salinity, turbidity, food availability, competition for space, and predation. Upward growth of coral colonies is generally between 0.5 to 4 in. (1-10 cm) a year.

Respiration (gas exchange) takes place through the body surface.

At one time it was mistakenly thought that coral grew at the bottom of deep tropical seas and succeeding generations grew on top of the dead calcium carbonate skeletons. This idea was dispelled by dredging operations that indicated that reef corals were able to grow only in shallow water.

Naturalist Charles Darwin's theory of coral formation is widely accepted. This theory recognizes three types of reefs: the fringing reef, the barrier reef, and the atoll.

a. The first type is a fringing reef. Fringing reefs border shorelines of continents and islands in tropical seas. Fringing reefs are commonly found in the South Pacific Hawaiian Islands, and parts of the Caribbean.

b. The next type is the barrier reef, which occurs farther offshore. Barrier reefs form when land masses sink, and fringing reefs become separated from shorelines by wide channels. Barrier reefs are common in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific. The Great Barrier Reef off northern Australia in the Indo-Pacific is the largest barrier reef in the world. This reef stretches more than 1,240 miles (2,000 km).

c. If the land mass is a small island, it may eventually disappear below the ocean surface, and the reef becomes an atoll. Atolls are reefs that surround a central lagoon. The result is several low coral islands around a lagoon. Atolls commonly occur in the Indo- Pacific. The largest atoll, named Kwajalein, surrounds a lagoon over 60 miles (97 km) long.

The 3 types of coral reefs. (from left : fringing, barrier and atoll)

Little is known about the lifespan of corals. Generally, coral colonies may live for several decades to centuries.

Sadly, corals are in danger…

Ocean pollution poisons coral polyps. Pollution takes on many forms including oil slicks, pesticides and other chemicals, heavy metals, and garbage.

1. Ocean pollution poisons coral polyps. Pollution takes on many forms including oil slicks, pesticides and other chemicals, heavy metals, and garbage.

2. Fertilizer runoff and untreated sewage introduce added nutrients to coastal ecosystems. These elevated nutrient levels promote algae growth. Unfortunately, high concentrations of algae or solid sewage can overwhelm and smother the polyps.

3. Deforestation degrades more than just land habitats. When tropical forests are cut down to clear land for agriculture, pasture, or homes, topsoil washes down rivers into coastal ecosystems. Soil that settles on reefs smothers coral polyps and blocks out the sunlight needed for corals to live.

4. Coastal development and dredging ravages reefs. This development includes building seaside homes, hotels, and harbors.

5. Fishing with dynamite, cyanide, or bleach has killed coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. Between 1986 and 1991, half of the coral reefs in the Philippines have been demolished by these and other destructive fishing methods.

6. Besides fishes, fishermen harvest a variety of exotic seafood from the reef including conchs and lobsters. Overharvesting could lead to these species' demise. Careless handling of nets, lines, and lobster traps has led to some reef damage.

International seashell and aquarium trades have put a strain on coral reefs and reef inhabitants. Excessive collecting decimates reef species and upsets the balance of the reef ecosystems. a. The souvenir trade has created an international market for coral skeletons, shells, sponges, and other reef animals.b. Coral skeletons are also sold as "live rock" Live rock is popular in home saltwater aquariums because it is permeated with living bacteria and algae and acts a natural biological filter. The tropical fish trade has created a demand for reef fishes.

Careless water recreationist damage reefs. Divers and snorklers that stand on, sit on, or handle corals can injure the delicate polyps. Dropped boat anchors can gouge the reef and crush corals.
Divers should rest by floating or standing on the sandy bottom. They should be very careful not to grab on to any coral formations.)

A turtle chewing on a plastic bag which looks a lot like its favourite food-jellyfish.


a. A drop in sea level exposes corals.

b. A rise in sea level decreases the amount of available sunlight and may inhibit growth. Added emissions of carbon dioxide and other trace gases (called greenhouse gases) into our atmosphere may be causing a gradual warming of our planet. This warming could cause the polar ice caps to melt, thereby raising sea level.

c. Rises in sea level can also release nutrients trapped in soil.

d. Coral diseases can wipe out entire strands of coral reefs. Diseases may be connected to the sea level rise and nutrient level increase.

e. Coral bleaching occurs when coral expels its symbiotic zooxanthellae. As a result, the coral loses its coloration. Without zooxanthellae, the coral polyps have little energy available for growth or reproduction. Scientists aren't sure why bleaching occurs. Hypotheses include elevated water temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and diseases or viruses affecting the zooxanthellae.

f. Major tropical storms can strip corals from miles of reef habitat.

That’s it about our beautiful coral reefs.

Here are videos on youtube perfect for introduction to coral reefs :

For more information, visit

Do leave any comments and thoughts as I continue dive depths to search for our next animal in view.

Do tell me if there is any particular animals that you are interested to know more about.

Have a nice day!

Friday 23 October 2009

Dive Into The Ocean with me

Hello mates... Dive Into The Ocean with me is a page specially dedicated to the ocean and marine animals. I have been a marine enthusiast since young, yet I have not been able to do much for the ocean. I would love to learn more about them and would love to share what i learn about them with you. I hereby invite you to join me as I dive the depths of the ocean in search of the wonderful secrets of the fascinating marine lives. The ocean is suffering in silence. It needs help from us. Hopefully through understanding, it can help reduce harm to them. I hope you will love the ocean and make your life as exciting and meaningful as much as it has done for me.